Thursday, March 31, 2016

Big toe fusion

Day 3 
After a full nights sleep with only Panadol I'm feeling more human today. The targan was finished yesterday morning so I hope to feel less dopey now. Pain is manageable with regular Panadol and foot up for as long as I can. If I have to get around I use the desk chair as a knee is perfect to scoot around. I have a boot , cructhes and lot of hopping and holding on to walls. I try not to use my crutches very much. I'm off the heavy pain meds. And only taking Panadol very 4-6 hrs. Surprisingly, I thought I would be going crazy out of boredom and inactivity. The opposite is true so far. Content to relax, read, think, rest and repeat. My life as a teacher and mum is non stop and I think I may enjoy stopping for a while. Soon enough I will be back to the treadmill of my life. 

After a 11/2 hr operation and heavy sedation my body took a while to recover from the a aesthetic. I was vomiting first night so needed to stay in hospital for a second night. 

Headed down to sit on bench looking out at ocean today while mark walked Benny. So nice to get some sun and fresh air after being cooped up,in hospital for 3 days. Grateful to live in a coastal area and look out at ocean from my chair each day. Funny how my life is so busy it takes an operation and being imobile to stop and appreciate simple things. I don't think I've ever sat long enough on this chair to actually realize how comfy it is! ( but then I also can sit here and see how dirty the windows are too ! ).   

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Feeling very grateful today.....after hearing some sad news of a sick child in the family it has highlighted how healthy children shouldnt be taken for granted. Not until you come close to someone experiencing this can you imagine the impact it would have on your life. Eachday is a blessing, each moment of laughter needs to cherished and embraced. I once read a statement saying, "our children are on loan to us and we can only love them and nurture and pray they have a happy and healthy life". This is very true......

Sunday, May 20, 2012

On the weekend I was looking back on my Vietnam trip photos that I went on 2 years ago.  I remember when I booked and the departure time was approaching I thought, 'Am I being selfish leaving my kids for a week just so I can holiday?' I really struggled with that concept and my ultimate decision to go.

But you know what? It was a 10 days .....ten days out of  11 yrs of parenting. And really, what was the downside?  I got to see a city I've yearned to see for a very long time. My kids got to spend some quality time with their  grandfather that lives far away and they see only occasionally. My father-in-law got to spend time with the grandchildren he loves and wants to spend as much time with as he can.

It was win/win. All around. It hurt no one.

I don't want to get to my mother's age and feel the way she does. I WANT to look back on my life and remember all the wonderful things I did, and just as much, I don't want to waste my life filling it with unnecessary commitments. Life is far too short.

So, sometimes I'll say no. Sometimes I won't go to that lunch I don't really want to attend. Sometimes I won't take my kids to sporting / school committments  if we feel like spending an afternoon playing Monopoly. Sometimes I'll get a babysitter, and mark and I will head out on a date.

You know why you should do this too? Because before you know it, you're in your sixties (God willing) looking back on your life wishing you had taken evry opportunity life has to offer.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

At 40...

"Ahhhhh40! the half-way sign of life! It is at this point that I have decided to put it all out there! Stop prov\crastinating and write it all down" so here I am documenting a life that you too might relate to. My life has been very full - school, illness, travel, adventure uni, career romance and marriage. But the most important turn came when I became a mother  - everything I was has been questioned and put aside for the role of mother. My  daughters are angels and everything I ever dreamed of. But now they are becoming more independent and have interests of there own - where was I before they came?? Each morning I drops them for school , say goodbye to husband  then grab the dog walk the beach do laps of the pool - then sit with my coffee and contemplates what the day will be filled with. How can I gain as much as I can from the next 6 hours of solitude! Or on every other day spend the day at school as classroom teacher  influencing and entertaining other peoples children. The adventure of daily moments is in my hands....

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well the girls are back to school and I have been enjoying the headspace but I must confess I do miss them. Im not one of those mums that admits to 'Thank God they are back to school". We had the best holiday , summer days at the beach lazy lunches at home, picnics , visits to family , camping trips and lots of incidental happenings. I mut say the concerts the girls did at home were something I look back on and they make feel so happy to know they are content in their home and enjoy being themselves here....that is something that I truly value as a parent. I have been told lately by others how great the girls are and I must say I am truly blessed! Love you lots girls....thankyou for a lovely break at home....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hi my first blog i'lltry to keep up to date!